Domains can be considered as a real estate of the Internet. A good relevant and smart domain will be the assurance of your website’s success and eventually business success. But how do you exactly “identify the right domain?”

Below are some of the most important characteristics in  choosing the right domain name for your niche.

1. It should be short
A good domain name must undoubtedly be kept short. It is hard to find three-letter or four-letter gTLDs domains as most of them are already gone and five letters are going fast. So, it will be lucky for you to find the four or five letter domains. There is no defined number of characters that one should aim but remember the shorter the better. Keep it below 10 characters, and never exceed 20.

Now, about the number of words, domains with one word are gold, two-word names are good, three words name is average and above that is no more than a bad idea.

2. Easy to remember
Average Internet users don’t use bookmarks; they just memorize their favorite websites in their minds. If your domain contains complex words and not easy to remember then it will be a loss in your existing visitors.

Example: is a short name, but not easy to remember ever, so if you choose this type of domain name it will be a bad idea for your website (business). Another is a long domain name but it is easy to remember so, it will be perfect for your niche.

3. Easy to spell
The third factor, it should be easy to spell. Avoid using words with complex pronunciation, a strange combination of characters, and anything which can misspell your website address.

4. Securing a .ke domain name
Organizations and companies with specific geographical regions have to register local extensions (e.g.,, ccTLDs like are the best domains for startup since they are affordable and rank first on search engines considering regional locations.

The organic visitors or paid link visitors will pay attention to the website name, not on URL. Next time, if they want to visit your site they will just enter the name or search to go to the website.

5. It Should Be Descriptive
A large number of users come through the search engines and backlinks on your websites. They will come again and again if the website is attractive. The descriptive domain name will give the idea to your visitors, what is your site? What about it? Before they enter on the website if your domain contains related keywords it will also help the search engines.

6. It should be Brand Able
A “brandable” domain with the right pronunciation and interesting letters combinations will attract more customers. Sometimes they are not descriptive but attain equal attention (users). Brand Able domain will attract visitors with the website name and its contents. You need to keep in mind that “brandable” domains can be descriptive as well but will not always have both qualities.

7. They don’t contain hyphens or numbers
Domains containing hyphens underscore and number(s) are cheaper, unprofessional, and lack strategy. We can say that they are suffering from the same problem of domains not having extension or spelling mistakes.

If your URL contains hyphens and you want to get your website under Google search box suggestion then Google will prefer the domain without hyphens in search suggestions.

8 . Don’t use your own name unless it’s the same name for your company/product
You can use your name if only you have decided to name the company after yourself, but in most cases, the customer will not want to buy into a product represented by an individual. Instead, they tend to prefer to go with products that are represented by a company. This is your choice, and it all hinges on being able to build a brand name for yourself.

9. The Essentials
Try to find, smart, short, and keyword-rich memorable domain for your business and it will be the guarantee of your successful business and easy to promote it.

10. Respect Trademark
The most important thing is that to respect other’s trademark and try to avoid registering the domain competing with other words in search results and make sure yourself it doesn’t violate someone trademark.

11. Use Domain Suggestion Tool
Use the domain searching tool on our web portal which provides fast domain availability suggestions. You can find the perfect and available domain which meets your criteria.