Reliable web hosting is an essential part of building a website. A web hosting company is the major step in how your website is delivered to a customer, they want the ability to access every feature of your website any time of the day or night.
Hosting your website should be one of the most important website decisions you will make for your business. The right foundation for your online business starts with the right web hosting company. Having a good web design accompanied by great marketing ideas that gets your brand out there in the market will not bring enough traffic to your website if it is not hosted with a reliable company.
What is web hosting?
Web hosting is where the files, information, and content that create your website live. When you visit a website the files that create it are shown within your web browser that’s why it is important for you to choose a good reliable web host that suits the needs of your website. Web hosting is a rented space on a remote computer, it is usually charged in monthly installments or annually.
Types of hosting
Most websites are on shared hosts this means that other people’s website files are also kept on the same computer therefore they share a host.
Dedicated web hosting is where you are renting the entire computer on which your website lives. It is more flexible since you have complete control over the setup of the computer thus becoming faster and more secure. Mostly it is used by larger companies or those with large websites.
- Cloud hosting
This is a virtual computer that is made up of many web servers. When one fails, there is another which takes its place automatically which means it is more reliable than the other hosts. Cloud hosting scales automatically to handle increased traffic to your website.
Understanding the different hosting options available
There are various web hosting options available for you to make an educated discussion and be able to choose the best option for your needs.
- Excellent customer support is a must
You should look for a provider that offers excellent customer support for your website. Some hosting providers may claim to offer 24-7 support, but this doesn’t guarantee you will receive fast, knowledgeable service from them. For this, you have to test the response of the customer support staff before devoting yourself to any long term hosting contract with the company.
- Choose a host with an excellent uptime track record
The hosting provider you choose to work with should take every precaution to ensure there is maximum uptime. No web host can guarantee your website a 100 percent uptime, it should therefore offer at least 99 percent uptime on the total average.
- Cost should not be your only consideration
“You get what you pay for,” as the saying goes. Your business cannot afford to experience extended downtime. Shared web hosting should be considered your site is generating only a small amount of traffic. The same case applies, if you’re handling a business that is generating a large amount of traffic, then a dedicated hosting provider is a far better choice. The upfront will be at a high cost but will be more reliable for your business. The equality and level of technical support will be better.
- Ability to scale
Every day as the business grows, your website will tend to generate more traffic and the ability to scale will be increasingly important. Your web hosting provider should have the ability to upgrade and scale to accommodate the growth of your traffic. Just keep in mind that there is no such thing as “unlimited resources”.
For a web hosting experience, one of the worst things that can happen to it is when a web host decides to close because they aren’t reliable. That can always mean a loss of files. Therefore, it is worth paying more for a well-established one which you are assured is going on forever. The more reason why it’s important to choose a reliable host to serve your website or else it will fail meaning it will carry along your business.
- A good reputation is essential
Once you have decreased the list of important features you require before getting web hosting, the next step is to find a host with a top-end reputation. A background check helps you to know; how long the company has been in business if they can provide testimonials and endorsements from current clients, their maintenance schedules, and if they coverage downtime statistics.
It is difficult to select a hosting provider carefully because there are a lot of web hosting companies and your business will depend on it. Keep in mind that choosing a hosting provider simply on price is not worth the trouble if your site goes down.
For reliable and affordable web hosting click on the button below and get your online business on the safe track.